Webcam Snapshots-Video

Webcam Snapshots-Video

Webcam Snapshots-Video How-to

While not in a video call

Using built-in Windows ‘Camera’ app

  1. Click  Windows/Start button, Camera (If this app isn’t available follow the section below.)
  2. Click the Photo or Video button
  3. Pictures/Videos taken are in the bottom-right & located in Documents\Pictures\Camera Roll

Please consult IT if you’ll be recording longer than 15min video as it takes excessive storage space. We’ll provide a workaround

No ‘Camera’ app? Improvise with Zoom/Teams

  1. Start a new Zoom Meeting
  1. Teams, Calendar  on left-side, Meet now, Start meeting, Join now
  1. Maximize the window to get the best quality picture
  2. Take a screenshot with PrtScrn (Print Screen) button. On Nexus PC’s you’ll see crosshairs & green lines, click & drag the area you want a screenshot of. Then you’ll be given a grey menu asking what you want to do with the screenshot: save as a file, clipboard will allow you to paste it elsewhere, Outlook & Word will put the screenshot in a new email/doc in those programs

Zoom ‘Recording’ button does video only & stored in Documents\Zoom

Teams Recording (three-dots menu) can be seen in Teams Chat & OneDrive\Recordings

Related Articles

  1. Screenshots How To
  2. Screen recording/capture to video
  3. Screen share/control with coworker to support & train

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