Field |
Required? |
Expected Data |
Name |
Yes |
Full name of customer |
Email |
Yes |
Email address of customer |
Title |
Yes |
Job Title of Customer |
Organization |
Yes |
Assigned Company of Customer |
Phone Number |
Yes |
Valid phone number that can reach the Customer |
Tags |
No |
* |
ContactLookup |
Yes |
Search with First, Last or Email |
Email |
Yes |
Email address of customer |
Contact Agency |
Yes |
Assigned Company of Customer |
Phone |
Yes |
Valid phone number that can reach the Customer |
Request Type |
Yes |
Other is not a valid response |
Product Name |
Yes |
Product Family/Brand/Platform |
Device Name |
No |
Hardware name, as applicable |
Program/Department |
Yes |
Department of the Customer |
Location |
No |
Physical location of the issue * |
Priority |
No |
Internal use field. Not currently tied to SLA timers. |
Channel |
Yes |
Closest available option to the submission method |
Classification |
No |
* |
*potential changes and revisions to come later